Petri Paavilainen has been appointed Manager Parts & Services at Black Bruin Inc. as of January 8, 2018.
Petri has a long experience in leading and developing the spare part and service business, most recently at David Brown Santasalo.
Janne Mustonen
Finance Director
Black Bruin Inc.
Tel. +358 20 755 0700
Appointment at Black Bruin Inc. Jyri Linnakoski has been appointed Product Support Engineer at Black Bruin Inc. as of January 8, 2018. Jyri has a degree in Engineering. He has previously worked at Moisio Forest Oy and Ponsse. MORE INFORMATION: Seppo KoiranenDirector of OperationsBlack Bruin Inc.Tel. +358 20 755
Black Bruin is collaborating on a research project coordinated by the Agricultural Machinery and New Technologies Chair at the Polytechnical Institute UniLaSalle in France. The project aims to evaluate the performance of a plow equipped with a hydraulic wheel drive system in field cultivation.
The agreement with Eaton forms a solid foundation to support Black Bruins S Series growth strategy in India and its surrounding regions.