That’s what they say – ”A rough road leads to the stars”.
So true of the times we’re living in and also in many ways describing the conditions in which Black Bruin motors and rotators are often used.
In the cosmos of industrial and mobile applications in need of long-lasting and reliable hydraulic power, you can locate the bright constellation of stars to follow, Motor Sovereignus, a superior solution for any application needing the value of low speed at high torque.
We thank our customers, distributors, partners and suppliers for the past year’s cooperation and wish you all Happy Holidays and a successful year 2021! Stay safe and strong.
This year we donated our Christmas present funds to Hope – Yhdessä & Yhteisesti charity to support valuable work for local children and their families.
~ Black Bruin Team ~
We thank our customers, partners and suppliers for the past year and wish you all Happy Holidays and successful year 2020!
Season’s Greetings and warm wishes to all of our people, customers, distributors and partners around the world. We would like to thank you for your firm dedication and collaboration throughout 2022.
Season’s Greetings and warm wishes to all our people, customers, distributors and partners around the world. We would like to thank you for your firm dedication and collaboration throughout 2023.